



As an engineer and entrepreneur, I fuse web development expertise with a visionary grasp of artificial intelligence shaping the forefront of innovation.

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''To get things you never had, you have to do things you never did''
This philosophy is what drives the engineer in me.

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best projects

River of Tech

Startup dedicated to crafting and delivering robust digital solutions tailored for small businesses.

Acquired strong entrepreneurial skills, including business strategy, market analysis, and leadership, fostering the growth of the startup.

Crafting connections in a digital realm where every click tells a story, and every post weaves the tapestry of modern social life.

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Programmed this social media platform with a user centric approach, allowing seamless creation of posts and an array of engaging activities for a dynamic and user-friendly online experience.

PriceWise: A comprehensive solution for tracking product prices on Amazon.

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It also allow users to track and receive notifications about price changes for their favorite products.
Journey Together

Your ultimate travel companion to simplify your travel planning process.

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This web application help you to create personalized itineraries, manage your budget and discover local insights.
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A generalist focused in


Web Development
Not just frontend, the whole of web development is my forte!
Artificial Intelligence
Turning algorithms into real world magic is my specialty.
Machine Learning
Almost getting the hang of it.
Database Management
I navigate data with ensuring efficiency.
Problem Solving
Consider it cracked!

Explore my


From messing into hardware systems as a kid it got me questioned how these all work together and that's where my journey of learning about software starts. From a little Hello World in C language to pages of code, I travelled and still exploring a lot.

B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

SRM Institute of Science and Technology

From Nursery to Class 12th

Ram Sewak Yadav Smarak Inter College

My contribution to

the Community

Active GitHub contributor with a remarkable 2,000+ commits and an impressive streak spanning over 474 consecutive days of consistent contributions.

2.5K+ Contributions • 474 days streak

I've also delivered 10+ projects to multiple small scale businesses.

What people i've worked with

say about me

This individual is an absolute standout! His dedication and expertise has been invaluable to our collaborative projects. A true asset, consistently delivering exceptional results.
Jatin not only has an amazing ability to design, but he studies the craft relentlessly. I was first introduced to Jatin when he put together a complete re-design of our website as a side project. I was blown away by the time, effort, and quality of what he delivered.
Valued client of my startup
Jatin demonstrated an approach I would expect from someone at the top of their field. I was thoroughly impressed with the idea provided to us. It exceeded our expectations.
Valued client of my startup
Jatin is not only a super passionate entrepreneur but a leader that brings the best out of those around him! Since collaborating with Jatin, we have been able to achieve our goals and grow exponentially.
Co-Founder of River of Tech

And that's a wrap!

And that's a wrap!

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